Alpha GPC 50% Powder Choline Alphoscerate


Product Code: ALPWYXV977

Manufacturer: speedysupps

(scroll down to the bottom to select size)


Alpha-GPC Dosage



The recommended dosage of Alpha GPC is 1.25cc scoop (600mg) once daily. (no scoop included, product comes in foil doubled sealed bag)

Due to the nature of this product, it is recommended you use a scale with resolution of at least 1 milligram (0.001 Grams) Volummetric measuring devices cannot be used to accurately measure a supplement powder


Why Alpha GPC 50%?

Pure Alpha-GPC is very hygroscopic and absorbs moisture from the air, turning pure Alpha-GPC into a paste if it sits long enough. This is not ideal for supplementation, so we provide a 50% powder. It is manufactured alongside silicon dioxide, which eliminates the hygroscopic problems, and also prevents the 50% formulation from hardening when exposed to air. 




  1. Effect of L-alpha-glyceryl-phosphorylcholine on amnesia caused by scopolamine.
  2. Kidd, Parris M. GPC (ClyceroPhosphoCholine) Mind-Body Power for Active Living and Healthy Aging. First ed. N.p.: TotalHealth, 2007.
  3. Kidd, Parris M. "Neurodegeneration From Mitochondrial Insufficiency: Nutrients, Stem Cells, Growth Factors, And Prospects For Brain Rebuilding Using Integrative Management." Alternative Medicine Review 10.4 (2005): 268-293. Academic Search Elite. Web. 8 Sept. 2012.
  4. Alpha-GPC and power output; growth hormones
  5. Ceda GP, et al. alpha-Glycerylphosphorylcholine administration increases the GH responses to GHRH of young and elderly subjects. Horm Metab Res. (1992)


Additional Resources
Alpha GPC Wiki


Warning: These recommendations are based on personal experiences and our own research.These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Some dietary supplements have limited research available and may result in adverse effects. Consult a qualified physician prior to using any dietary supplements.Do not take this product if you are under 18, if you are pregnant, nursing, or have any cardiovascular issues. or if you are in anyway unhealthy. Only a qualified physician can determine if you are healthy enough for supplement use. We attest only for the quality and description of the supplements we provide. In using our products, you agree not to hold us accountable for any adverse effects, discomfort, or other consequences that may arise from supplement use.

Speedysupps makes no therapeutic use claims. Therapeutic is defined by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) as:
1. preventing, diagnosing, curing or alleviating a disease, ailment, defect or injury in persons or animals
2. influencing, inhibiting or modifying a physiological process in persons or animals
3. testing the susceptibility of persons or animals to a disease or ailment
4. influencing, controlling or preventing conception in persons
5. testing for pregnancy in persons
6. the replacement or modification of parts of the anatomy in persons or animals.